On February 26th 2011 in Japan, Nintendo launched its latest handheld gaming console featuring dual screens and glasses-free 3D: the Nintendo 3DS. Selling over 75 million units across six different models, and amassing a library of hundreds of games, the console was a massive success. Ten years later the console now sits in the shadow of the Nintendo Switch, but many of us have fond memories of playing our 3DS – in fact I started up a club at my university dedicated to it!
To celebrate the 10th birthday, WindyCornerTV has created a podcast episode and asked me to join, in which we discuss the different models of the console, our initial hype, some of its best games and the hidden gems and valuable games to be found in the library.
So what are some of your favourite memories of the 3DS?
Leave a comment below, on the YouTube video, or reach out to me on social media.